Exposed Wires: The Complexities Of Electrical Installation

Exposed Wires: The Complexities Of Electrical Installation

The Benefits of Installing Copper Electrical Wiring

Loretta Hughes

The electrical wiring in residential properties encompasses the conducting cables used to transmit the current as well as associated devices like switches and light fittings. It is critical for you to understand the wiring system in your home if you are planning to carry out an electrical improvement project. This will help you ensure that proper installation is performed for smooth, long-lasting and consistent power supply. One of the most important aspects to evaluate is the nature of electrical wires used for conduction within cables. There are diverse metals which can be used to transmit electricity including aluminium, silver alloys and even sheathed steel. However, consider these benefits of using standard copper wires before purchasing the alternatives.


The efficiency of your new electrical system will be determined by the conductivity of the wiring. The structure of copper allows the metal to transmit more power when compared to other types of wires like aluminium. This is attributed to the presence of highly mobile electrons in copper which overcome resistance even when the metal is impure. The only metal capable of conducting electricity with more efficiency than copper is silver. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for your home's wiring due to the lack of tensile strength and the high cost.


Electrical wiring should be structurally stable to minimise the hazards posed after installation. Copper has long-term consistency which ensures continued electrical conductivity and enhanced safety in the house. For instance, copper has a high melting point so it is unlikely to liquefy due to continuous exposure to electricity. This property is particularly important if your building experiences power surges and overloads. In addition, copper has a firm build which means the wires do not shift over time after installation. Lighter materials such as low-duty aluminium can loosen from their areas of connection and attachment. This may lead to a fire hazard and you will need to pay for regular repairs and maintenance.


Compatibility is an important factor to consider when setting up a building's wiring system. Most common residential equipment and appliances are designed and fabricated using copper wires in the internal components to ensure efficient function. If your home has different metals, you may experience eventual problems due to the unmatched modules. For example, a galvanic reaction can occur; one of the metals is corroded in preference over the other. Generally, the copper in appliances is damaged and the wiring preserved.

If you are still set on using alternative wiring materials, consult an electrician for professional advice.


2023© Exposed Wires: The Complexities Of Electrical Installation
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Exposed Wires: The Complexities Of Electrical Installation

Jonathon here. I am currently completing my electrical apprenticeship and I have to say, it has been a challenge. Before I started, I didn’t realise that there was so much involved in wiring a house or building. Safety, efficiency, aesthetics and costs all have to be taken into account. My boss is so patient. One customer asked us to leave electrical wires exposed because he wanted an “industrial effect”. My boss explained that it would be illegal and they compromised. I have really learnt that electrical installation is one area in which people should not take short-cuts or undertake home handiwork. This blog should help you to gain a little more insight into electrical installation and its intricacies. I hope you find it enlightening. Thank you for stumbling into my corner of the blogosphere.