Exposed Wires: The Complexities Of Electrical Installation

Exposed Wires: The Complexities Of Electrical Installation

Guide On Electrical Safety

Loretta Hughes

Electrical hazards are some of the deadliest forms of danger, and you need to avoid such a situation at all costs. These hazards can spring from poor residential electrical installations, incorrect grounding techniques and improper maintenance practices, and the best way to handle them is by practicing safety. Here are some of the best electrical safety tips you can practice at home.

Maintaining good condition of cords

Keep the cords of the various electrical appliances in proper condition since they can be easily ignored. Electrical appliances should be kept away from water, and when they are damaged, they should not be put into use until they are repaired. Don't place chords underneath rigs or carpets, this may make frays not easily recognizable or may even trip someone. You should also practice to pull the plug when disconnecting your appliances, pulling the chord greatly diminishes the lifespan of your appliance.

Proper bulb practices

When selecting your bulbs, ensure that they correctly match the fixture they are installed on, because overheating may occur when you purchase bulbs of higher watt ratings. Also, get power saving bulbs like the CFLs that produce the same amount of light at lower wattage to reduce the risks of blowing out and overheating. You should also tightly screw a bulb in place before using it and have the power switched off before changing the bulbs.

Avoid overloading

Overloading increases the chances of starting a fire, so don't have piggy back connections in the home. Connecting a large number of chords to an outlet not designed to withstand them is asking for trouble. You can also avoid an overload by using power boards designed with safety devices that reduce the risk of stray electrical current.

Avoid overhead lines

In the outdoors, don't forget to keep a safe distance when working in presence of overhead lines.  You should remain attentive in case you are working in an area that may have underground power lines. You can call the relevant local bodies to help you work around the power lines.

Hire a professional

When it comes to installing and repairing electrical wiring in the home, it's best to ask a professional to do the job for you. Not only will you be protecting yourself from injury, but also you'd be improving the safety of your home. Professionals are able to assess the home and perform their job in the best manner that may even prevent future problems.

For more information, contact a business such as Kaz Electronics Pty Ltd.


2023© Exposed Wires: The Complexities Of Electrical Installation
About Me
Exposed Wires: The Complexities Of Electrical Installation

Jonathon here. I am currently completing my electrical apprenticeship and I have to say, it has been a challenge. Before I started, I didn’t realise that there was so much involved in wiring a house or building. Safety, efficiency, aesthetics and costs all have to be taken into account. My boss is so patient. One customer asked us to leave electrical wires exposed because he wanted an “industrial effect”. My boss explained that it would be illegal and they compromised. I have really learnt that electrical installation is one area in which people should not take short-cuts or undertake home handiwork. This blog should help you to gain a little more insight into electrical installation and its intricacies. I hope you find it enlightening. Thank you for stumbling into my corner of the blogosphere.